HEART STRINGS – Duffey Lake Backcountry Skiing Guide

Heart Strings is a must-do classic in the Duffy Lake Area. If you love ski touring and don’t know the Duffy Lake Area, YOU SHOULD! It’s a magical zone Northeast of Pemberton and is home to a lifetime of backcountry skiing opportunities. Heart Strings is one of the busiest day trips in the region and […]
SIZE MATTERS – How To Choose The Right Ski Width

If you’re in the market for new skis choosing the perfect set may feel like an overwhelming process. Width is on the forefront of ski design right now and the most common question I hear during the ski buying research process is ‘What Ski Width Should I Buy?’ Waist width isn’t the only thing that […]
Whistler Blackcomb’s Easiest Green Runs (A Beginners Guide to Skiing Whistler)

Whistler is a gigantic ski resort boasting over 8000 acres of skiable terrain. However, what the resort doesn’t mention is that the vast majority of this terrain is only accessible to advanced and expert skiers. Although it’s intimidating, it doesn’t mean that beginner riders should stay clear from Whistler Blackcomb all together. Novice skiers can […]
How to tell the Steepness of a Ski Run – The Science of Steep

How Steep Are Ski Trails? For years you’ve heard your well fed uncle Bill and your well boozed buddies at the pub drum up similar stories. “Wayyy steeper than anything that you have ever skied” “It was pretty much vertical” “No doubt in my mind it was like 80 degrees” These exaggerations aren’t uncommon and […]
Learn To Ski “Cheap”

Time to get started! Maybe you recently watched “All.I.Can” or you’ve been watching ski clips on YouTube for years. You can just imagine yourself tossing cork 1080’s to the tune of Sail. Let’s face it…. It’s time for you to get out there. Although you won’t be riding like the pro’s yet, there is […]