How to Choose the Right Truck Cap/Canopy for Truck Bed Camping

What Is a Truck Canopy, Camper Shell, Cap or Topper A truck cap (aka canopy, truck topper, bed cap, box cap, camper shell) is a pickup truck accessory that covers the tailgate of a pickup truck. You probably see truck toppers every single day on the road of all shapes, sizes and colors. Truck caps […]
The Best Mattresses For Your Truck Bed Camping Setup

So you’re trying to build the picture perfect truck camping setup to inhabit as your weekend, part- time or full-time dwelling. AWESOME! Truck bed camping is the ultimate combination of utility, comfort and discreetness while living or travelling on the road. Picking the right style mattress is of the utmost importance in the planning & […]
The 15 Essential Truck Camping Tools Everyone Needs in Their Rig

I used to practice minimalist truck camping… I’m just kidding. When I first started camping I wasn’t a minimalist, I was UNPREPARED. One of the most beautiful things about heading out into the backcountry is the unknown. I welcome the unknown when I’m truck camping and love not knowing exactly where I’ll sleep each night […]
How to Build the Perfect Truck Bed Camping Setup (Step by Step Guide)

I absolutely love my truck camping setup. It was my full time home for four months in the summer/fall. It’s PERFECT (I’m biased) and was a dream come true to me. I’d rather be driving this big silver hunk of house than a Ferrari. This setup enabled Laura and I to live and travel exactly […]
The 6 Best Spots To Fill Water Jugs in Canada | Campervan, RV, Truck Camper Travel

The #1 most important thing you will be carrying in your vehicle at any given time is WATER. Water, next to oxygen, is the most important basic need essential to human survival. When living in a house or apartment you really take for granted how privileged we are to have free flowing and treated water […]
The Pros and Cons Of ‘Trucklife’ | Living In a Truck Cap Camper

A life on the road is filled with its ups and downs. It’s important to welcome discomfort and challenging situations in order to have those picture perfect days. Living in a vehicle is a transformative experience and can really alter your outlook on life helping one gain a deeper understanding of minimalism and the things/people […]
How Affordable is ‘Trucklife’? | Our Monthly Expenses Living in A Converted Truck Cap Camper

In 2021 I quit paying Vancouver rent and moved into the bed of my pickup truck with my partner Laura. Prior to our departure we saved up as much as we could before hitting the road. We pinched pennies for months worrying that we would not have enough coin to make our dream trip a […]
9 Safety Tips For Sleeping in A Vehicle | Trucklife/Vanlife

Living the trucklife/vanlife is an amazing experience that everyone needs to try once in their lives. Unlike dwelling in an apartment or home, sleeping in a vehicle has a few inherent dangers to be aware of. Worst case scenarios while sleeping in a vehicle albeit unlikely are something you should be prepared for. I’ve listed […]
Where to sleep for FREE when living in your VAN or TRUCK in CANADA

Travelling and living out of a vehicle is affordable and is a mode of travel everyone needs to try once. Maybe you’ve just recently dropped everything to join the van-life movement or you’re ready to head out on an amazing road trip. But, one question is probably weighing heavy on your mind…. ‘Where the hell […]
10 Reasons Why Truck Cap Camping (Trucklife) is Superior to Vans (Vanlife)

In 2021 I embarked on long standing dream of mine. A life on the road. I always imagined myself fixing up an old Volkswagen or customizing the back of a classic Ford or Dodge Van. When Covid struck, I lost my job, and decided that it was the perfect opportunity to jet off on the […]